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Olympus Fluoview 1000

The Olympus Fluoview 1000 confocal scanning microscope system is mounted on an inverted IX81 microscope. The confocal microscope is equipped with a PicoQuant FLIM extension for single-photon detection including the "HydraHarp400" for highest temporal resolution, and a home-built Multiparameter Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy (MFIS) extension with six detection channels developed in the Seidel group.

Available laser lines for continuous wave (cw) excitation are: 405 nm, 458 nm, 488 nm, 515 nm, 559 nm and 635 nm. Available laser lines for pulsed and cw excitation, e.g. for FLIM experiments are: 440 nm, 485 nm and 640 nm and a white light laser (SuperK Extreme, NKT).

The system is equipped with an on-stage incubator and the following objective lenses:

  • U Plan X Apo Objektiv 10x (UPLXAPO10X/0,4)
  • U Plan X Apo Objektiv 20x (UPLXAPO20X/0.75)
  • U Plan X Apo Objektiv 40x (UPLXAPO40X2/0.95)
  • U Plan X Apo Objektiv 60x Oel (UPLXAPO60XO/1,42)
  • U Plan S Apo Objektiv 60xW (UPLSAPO60XW/1,2)

Possible applications for this system are: confocal (live cell) imaging, including z-stacks, movies and time-lapse experiments, photobleaching approaches such as Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) and related techniques and also Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). The system is well suited for fluorescence lifetime and anisotropy measurements, e.g. in FRET applications and, as a unique feature, for multiparameter fluorescence detection in confocal images.

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