Thank you to all colleagues and companies for sharing material and offering tools!
Microscopy & Image analysis in the internet:
Online courses for Microscopy
The comprehensive online microscopy course "MyScope" by Microscopy Australia:
The following Imaging Core Facilities share their teaching material online:
- Live cell Imaging Facility, Karolinska Institutet - Bionut, Stockholm:
- Bioimaging Facility, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg:
- Core Facility Cell Imaging und Ultrastrukturforschung der Universität Wien, Online courses in GERMAN: "Lichtmikroskopie online - Theorie und Anwendung" (also available as Pdf download)
Collection of materials:
- The Microlist provides a general collection of useful websites and tools.
- Find here a similar list provided by The Royal Microscopy Society (RMS).
Company Support:
Temporarily available software licenses:
- SVI: Huygens trial license
- Leica: LAS X free offline license 90 days
- Zeiss: ZEN free offline license 90 days
- OxfordInstruments: Imaris satellite licences
Web-based company services:
- SVI: Web based deconvolution freely available via SVI-HRM server.
- Molecular Probes / Thermo Fisher Scientific: School of Fluorescence
- Photometrics: Remote learning seminars
Upcoming web seminars:
- Abberior Instruments: Web seminar series, starting on July, 7th 3:30 pm: "MINFLUX - Superresolution post Nobel"
- Abberior Instruments: July, 14th, 3:30 pm: Adaptive Optics STED microscopy
- Abberior Instruments: July 21st, 3:30 pm: STED PAINT - STED microscopy with exchangeable fluorophores
- Abberior Instruments: July, 28th, 3:30 pm: Live-cell STED microscopy
PicoQuant: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy & other topics - SVI: Deconvolution etc. Youtube channel
- Arivis: free web seminar series, every Thursday, 3 pm
- Nanosurf: Videos and Web seminars
- Ibidi: Web seminars
Training in Bioimage analysis
- Online courses and web seminars: The NEUBIAS Academy @Home
Fiji tutorials
- Robert Haase's "Applied Bio-Image Analysis lecture" at Biotec Dresden on Youtube
- Dave Mason's Fiji online course