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Registration for TIM 2018

Participant registration for Trends in Microscopy: Bridging the Worlds




Early bird rate until 31.01.2018Normal Rate
Academia Regular250 €275 €
Academia GerBI-GMB members* 150 €175 €
(PhD-) Student Regular 125 €150 €
(PhD-) Student GerBI-GMB members* 75 €100 €
Industry not included in Sponsor Package300 €325 €

Conference Organization Team & Industry included in Sponsor Package

0 €0 €

*A discount on the registration fee is applied to members of the "German BioImaging-Society for Microscopy and Image Analysis" undefinedgerbi-gmb

Entering the country: visa

EU nationals must have a valid passport to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. They do not require a visa.

Generally speaking, all other foreigners require a visa for stays in Germany. Please find more information at the website of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/einreiseundaufenthalt/visabestimmungen-node

Invitation letters for participants will be issued after payment of the registration fee is confirmed. As a rule, missions require between two and ten working days to decide on an application for a short stay visa. During the peak travel season there may be a waiting period for making an application to a German mission. Therefore, it is recommended to register for the conference and to apply for a visa at your earliest convenience.