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Acknowledgement & Funding of the Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi)

If images or data sets are used in publications that were generated on CAi equipment, the CAi must be mentioned by name in the acknowledgement of these publications. This must be communicated to the CAi. In accordance with the DFG guidelines for Major Research Instrumentation (DFG form 2.18, 01/20), equipment acquired within the framework of DFG funding e.g. a proposal for Major Research Instrumentation, must be mentioned in the publication with the DFG funding number. If members of the CAi team have provided project-specific support in sample preparation, image acquisition and/or image analysis beyond routine, this team member must be considered as a co-author (excerpt of the official CAi User Rules).

To this regard, the appropriate project and grant numbers are listed below, as well as sample text that can be used in manuscripts.

General acknowledgement CAi


We would like to acknowledge the Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi) at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf for providing access to the [System(s)] (System Number(s)) and especially [specific member(s) of CAi] for performing [type CAi-staff contribution(s) or general support during imaging and analysis].


We would like to acknowledge the Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi) at Heinrich Heine University and especially Dr. Miriam Bäumers for performing the sample preparation and the imaging at the transmission electron microscope.



This work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID [number – SFB number, project].

Example 1

This work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 267205415 – SFB 1208, Z02 to M.B. and S. W.-P..

Example 2

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 458090666 – SFB 1535, Z01 to M. A. and S.W.-P..

Example 3

Funding for instrumentation: Zeiss LSM 780: DFG- INST 208/551-1 FUGG


Designation, manufacturer and model

Financing type (with DFG ref. no. if applicable)

Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan Fast

DFG- INST 208/746-1 FUGG


DFG- INST 208/665-1 FUGG

Zeiss ELYRA PS.1

DFG- INST 208/613-1 FUGG

Zeiss LSM 780 + 4-channel FLIM exten. (Picoquant)

DFG- INST 208/551-1 FUGG

Zeiss Cell Observer Spinning Disc Dual Cam

DFG- INST 208/534-1 FUGG + HHU “QVM Mittel“ for teaching

Zeiss LSM 710 with BIG detector

DFG- INST 208/539-1 FUGG

Olympus FV3000 Confocal Laserscanning Microscope with 4-channel FLIM extens. (PicoQuant rapidFLIM)

DFG- INST 1358/44-1 FUGB

PerkinElmer Operetta CLS high-content screening automated microscope system

DFG- INST 208/760-1 FUGG

Abberior Facility Line

DFG INST 208/805-1 FUGG



DFG project ID


SFB 1208, Z02


Miriam Bäumers



Tom Boissonnet

SFB 1535


Manuel Anlauf



Vanessa Fuchs
Ksenia Krooß

Additional information

For further reading on Core Facilities recognition and citation, we recommend the following article selection:

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